High Elf names are long and melodic, hard to pronounce as well. Choose a name rooted in fantasy and give it to a strong female character to seal the deal for your own headstrong girl named Hermione.

Lyrielle Ulannor Irolende Rrostahl Byleya Zapernael Jaelinde Helviron Female Wood Elf Names List. An elf is a type of human-shaped supernatural being in Germanic mythology and folklore. This name generator will give you 10 names fit for the elven race of the Dragon Age universe. Amara-(Greek origin) meaning eternally beautiful. Anirne, Ardarume, Calmaninde, Camandil, Celria, Ciralinde, Culumaire, Cumanya, Dhaunayne, Elanande, Elante, Eldafire, Elenwen, Erissare, Erranil, Estalenya, Estirdalin, Estoril, Faire, Fistelle, Helende, Hession, Iirenoore, Imare, Iniel, Irinwe, Lorurmend, Mirkrand, Nalcarya, Siltalaure, Sirilonwe, Sondaale, Taarie, Tare… Arwen, while elvish, is a beautiful Welsh name that fits in today’s namescape, working alongside Rowan and her elfish counterpart Avery nicely. The name was first used as a character name in the French epic La Chanson de Roland.

Each name has a different ring, which helps you choose a name for a leading character, a supporting character, and a villain.

Elvish Names For a Baby Girl with Meanings. Maybe you’re pregnant and searching for baby names. To start, simply click on the button to generate 10 random names. Merry and Holly work well in this instance, along with Noel and Joy. Livi and Alva are less popular picks bearing the popular meaning, and both have the in-demand V sound within them. Livi has the bonus of being similar to the mega-popular Olivia, so she doesn’t feel all that out there, yet won’t appear on her own in every classroom. Female Elf Names names for female elves of all ages, and can be used to create fantasy names for blood elves, night elves, dark elves female characters. With Tolkien elf girl names, they typically follow the rule of ending in -iel or -ien, suffixes that note them as female in the elfin language the series follows.